Many churches and families are facing new realities with schools closing and churches beginning online and remote options. We want to help make this transition as easy as possible for churches and families.
How can you help your families explore God’s Word and discover God’s love even if you can’t meet in person? To help resource you and your community, we are providing our children’s curriculum, Eureka! through the end of May, completely free. For the next few weeks, kids and families will be able to live-stream with you during a lesson or simply use the materials to explore on their own. We’re providing Leader’s Guides, Discovery Guides, and Remember Verse videos for all three age levels. Here are a few options to get the free Eureka! materials to your families.
1. Share on Facebook. Use the video links below. From there, find the video for the week you would like to share. Copy the link and share it to your church’s Facebook page, your personal page, or to a group.
2. Share through email. Follow the same steps as above and copy to an email, e-newsletter, or text message for distribution.
3. Send PDFs. If you want to send PDFs of the Leader or Discovery Guides, you can download the PDFs below.
4. Embed on a webpage. Follow the steps we just went through, but choose the “Embed” option to embed it directly to a church website.
5. Watch together on Facebook. If you are live-streaming a class and want to watch the videos all together, try out the Watch Party option on Facebook. To access this, click on the “…” on your active livestream post, then “See More Options,” then “Start Watch Party.”
6. Watch directly on You Tube. The Remember Verse videos are posted to YouTube on The Foundry Kids channel. They can be viewed from YouTube online or through the YouTube app on smart TVs and phones. You can also easily create links to share these videos using the “Share” button under each video.
7. Send families to this blog post (or to The Foundry Kids Facebook page where this blog will appear as the pinned post!) . Of course, to make it super easy on you, just tell families to come to our Facebook page or this blog to get everything they’ll need.
Gerry Hauser
Thank you for providing this for us. I trust the ‘techies’ at church can get this on for the kids.
Gerry Hauser
We are currently using Eureka for Early Rlementary for our kids.